Posts tagged “reak

H A T E in the streets

So much hate in the streets.  These pics where flickr jacked.  Can’t remember who, but let’s say The Dirt Floor, Lord Jim, Cathode Ray Gun, Asian Eater, KzerGabe Gallery, etc etc.

"Mic Fagger"

"Obama birth certificate"





MBW "RHCP" cross out

VUE over Random Act


Versuz KOG "Fuckin Hipster"


"JR enables narcissists!"

Lab Art owner with Police Sheriff Lee Baca


"Fuck Cops"

Weekend Graf ReCap

All over the city this weekend, T$F is in heavy preparation mode for the SCREEN FIENDS show this saturday.  Here’s some pics from the urban jungle.

Seen this REAK piece on the freeway on Friday.  Hot boy spot!
Nice KAER bomb next to it too, but the sun blew out that pic.
Props to WD, those are cool dudes.


REAK fwy bomb

Strolled down Beverly for an uncomfortable walk…


It’s funny how this BANSKY piece is being preserved.
His street art has ANTI-BUFF protection!
Lots of people tag near or on or over this piece.  You think if you tag on a Banksy piece you’re gonna get props of fame?  You won’t.  Some militant Banksy fan will carefully buff your work away from his.  Besides- do you’re own fuckin thing!


BANKSY on Beverly blvd

Here’s a perfect example.  Some ass clown went around Hollywood wheatpasting the image of the Monopoly character and his name “Alec” next to it.  Guess what Alec- YOU DIDN”T MAKE THE FUCKIN MONOPOLY GUY.  He’s been around longer than your ass!  In my mind it’s retarded- but someone else took action to make it clear to him.  This funny guy painted one of these Monopoly things adjacent to that Banksy piece…  shit ran for a couple days before someone dissed it hard!  If I were ALEC I would go buff myself!  Hahaha  you want that crossed out shit running hard on Beverly?  FAIL!


Alec is a toy!

Stickers mobbing everywhere.
They only last a couple days…  except some of these joints.



Continuing destruction in ATLANTA by NOS (T$F)

This is a mixed-media outdoor piece.
