Archive for April, 2010

SharkToof Solo Show

That’s the homie.  When we’re not completely preoccupied talking about ourselves, we occasionally see SHARKTOOF.  Remember his Halloween posters and those  SHARK HEAD MASKS we rocked?  Or the Thriller Poster that we shot on Beverly?  And you can’t forget when T$F and Toof landed in NYLON…  shit was dope.

Come thru to his (first?) SOLO show at L.A.’s beloved Barracuda on Melrose tomorrow!!!

Check the Sept 2009 Nylon Guys

3750 T$F Stickers

You’re magnetic and so lovable, but you’re just trouble!

For you dudes who still wear backpacks, this is what 14 pounds of vinyl stickers looks like.

Printed a couple new posters yesterday




Hope you like em.

That Shits Fresh!

Paper Planes.

I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of this song…

Oh Lord…

the homie hit the jackpot with this one! I think that its about heroin… and I think the guy in the middle wrote it…

Thriftstore Giftstore

Always a good time at the thrift store.  Hit up this monster spot in Lincoln Hgths.  The cool people know what I’m talking about.  Was looking for frames.  Couldn’t resist checking out the massive selection of vintage clothing.  I don’t think old shirts are still trendy, but there’s always some good laughs.  Here’s a few of our favorites.

Shit is just too funny.  I could just imagine the conversation:

Dude A.) “Yo ‘sup wit that shirt?  Shit is dooope! Is that Lacosté?”

Dude B.) “Yo homie, it’s a CROCODILE shirt, don’t even worry about it…”

Really having buyer’s regret on that bootlegged Lacosté polo shirt.  Oh well.


(Inside Joke)


Some Masonic workwear.
Seen this Cold Case recently…
showed alot of the Masons also doubled as Klan members. Fail.

Pierre Cardin, mint with original tags.

Left with nothing.

Hit up this Goodwill nearby.
Every 10 minutes the store dumped “new” shit into these bins and the mother fuckin broke scavengers went at it like seagulls as your beach picnic.
We wanted to videotape it but got scurred.  Jajajaja

Some dope type on a 12″

Some other pics from last weekend.
the new ADBUSTERS magazine cover:

Master mixologists at Tiki-Ti. Get a Bloody Tiki truuust.

This fuckin guy Eddie.








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Artist Spotlight: SUBHUMANOID

We hope you enjoyed our last interview with CINCO today we present our fifth installment of our Artist Spotlight: SUBHUMANOID

Subhumanoid (or SUBS) is a one-man sticker machine.  His human-blasting computer characters can’t be ignored on the streets of Los Angeles.  While traditional graffiti and new-age street art might be the typical means to gain attention- SUBS has accomplished the same results through a mind boggling amount of hand-crafted stickers.  Stenciled vinyls, hand-drawn, or vinyl screen printed- anything goes.  With time as the true test of success-this dude is an arguable candidate for the Los Angeles sticker Mayor!  We are proud to present Subhumanoid for this weeks artist spotlight.

Many may not know this- but “Class Of Nuke ‘Em High” is easily the best Tromavision cult film.  I’ll never forget when those kids smoked that doobie laced in toxic waste.  The ambitious sequel is titled “Subhumanoid Meltdown” – any correlation with your choice of alias?
The name comes from the band Subhumans , which was my favorite band at one time. I found out about the movies later, which are are great too.

How many years have you been representing Subhumanoid and where can one see your work?
I started doing the thing in 2005.  You can see most of my stickers in greater LA . I also do a lot of collaborating and trading which helped me reach other cities across the world.

What is the meaning behind the character?
Subhumanoid computer is an ever changing character that morphs into different things. Kinda like a transformer or a liquid terminator. He likes to hang out outdoors.

How many stickers do you think you’ve put up in your life?  How about in a year or a month?  a week??  take a guess…
I counted every sticker, the count is 24,657 stickers up ….haa I dont know. I like to bring a bunch with me every time and see how many disappear.

Do you consider yourself a street artist or a graffiti artist?
I am a professional exterior decorator.

You represent RTH/JDI crew here in Los Angeles, tell us how you fit in and how you stand out within your crews.
I try to rep my brothas whenever I can with stencils and such. There is nothing like being a part of a hooligan mob, those guys rock.

You make some pretty teched-out stencils, have you ever used laser-cutting technology to make any?  Is that “cheating”?
Laser cutters devalue stencil art, I have fun cutting out stencils, it takes focus and it zones me out for a while. When you’re done, you feel good about the result. Leave the laser cutter for the guy in some factory.

Here at T$F we are beginning to believe the internet is as powerful or MORE than the voice of the streets, do you agree or disagree?
Yes, the internet changed street art, and you have to go with the flow. Instead of people in one city people all over the world have a chance to see your work.

How productive is sticker trading, flickr groups, and the likes?  Does this stuff work?
Thanks to trading through flickr I was able to reach people from Poland to Chile and everywhere in between. It takes some investment in time and money but its worth it.  I wish I could see through the computer eyes at places they look at everyday.

Not that we were much different at that age, but why the fuck do you think kids LOVE free stickers so much?
Haa, there is something magical about stickers. Maybe because they defy gravity and kids they love physics those crazy kids.

Share with us your goals outside of graffiti, is gallery participation important to you?
Gallery shows are fun, I try to participate in ones where I know I can go party at during the reception.  My goals are to travel more, I see foreign cities in my dreams often.

What else keeps you motivated to continuously grind?
Ideas hit out of nowhere at times, once they do I need to make them into reality.

What’s been the wildest moment or most disastrous event?
I just have to say, even when you think its safe, its not.  Always look around at least.

Any quotes, famous last words, or plugs you wanna drop?

“Kids, stay on drugs and don’t do school.” and SUBS BLOG




You know how The $tatus Faction never stops booking!

Two events coming up.


Public Opening/Main Event
Date: Saturday, May 8, 7-11pm
Location: High Profile Productions, 5896 Smiley Drive Culver City, CA 90232

Open bar and plenty of free parking available.


Public Opening/Main Event
Date: Thursday, May 13, 5-10pm
Location: LaCita, 336 S. Hill Street, Downtown L.A., CA 90013

Sacreligious Graffiti

Vandals covered Rio de Janeiro‘s towering Christ the Redeemer statue with spray-painted graffiti, marring the world-famous monument in an act Rio’s mayor called a “crime against the nation.”

The vandals covered the head, arms and chest of the 130-foot statue, which looks out over Rio’s dramatic vista of beaches and mountains, using scaffolding that had been erected to carry out maintenance work.

“Those criminals will pay for what they’ve done. They will go to jail,” Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes was quoted as saying in Friday’s O Globo newspaper. “Rio de Janeiro and Brazil do not deserve this.”

Access to the statue had been closed after recent rains that caused mudslides around the city.

Phrases scrawled onto the statue included “When the cat’s away, the rats will play,” as well as apparent references to Rio residents who were killed or who disappeared in recent crimes.

The soapstone statue, completed in 1931, sits atop the 2,300-foot Corcovado mountain and is visible from much of the city.

Rio extensively used the image, along with bucolic beaches and the popular Sugar Loaf mountain, in its successful bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games.

On this picture taken April 15, 2010, is seen the head of the Christ the Redeemer statue, graffitted with sentences about the violence and unsolved crimes. Rio’s landmark and one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World.


Banksy Movie and Beyond…

I don’t know what to think about anything anymore.  T$F set out to see “Exit Through The Gift Shop” on opening night last Friday in Hollywood.  I went into this film with very high expectations, but have a very difficult time summing my feelings up afterwards.

First and foremost- this was NOT a movie about Banksy, this was a movie about Mr. Brainwash.

It broke down something like this • 3min of Buff Monster and Seizer / 7 minutes of Space Invader & André / 10min of OBEY, 14min of Banksy and 53 minutes of Mr. Brainwash.

We all (T$F) met Mr. Brainwash in L.A. in 2008.  The dude is insane.  We couldn’t figure out if this was a joke, or he was a filmmaker or a poser or wtf.  We battled him over a wall on Melrose a little bit and ended up running into him at a bar.  He was buying the drinks and invited the Faction to participate in some of the construction for “Life is Beautiful” his first ever (and solo) art show.  Shit was ridiculous.  MBW was destroying L.A. with a team of hired goons.  He was impossible to ignore.  I knew 85% of the story living in L.A., and being involved, but Exit Through The Gift Shop filled in the missing pieces.

I won’t spoil the film, but overall it was kind of boring, too much talk and not enough action.  Banksy seems to be as funny on camera (disguised) as he is visually- which was charming- but listening to Thierry (MBW) rattle off nonsense for nearly a full hour of the film was like torture.

Don’t listen to me, trust the ducks at IMDB and ROTTEN TOMATOES.

We drank a grip of beers in the theater. Although it was only 87 min long, I had to piss and have a cigarette- so I couldnt break out fast enough.  Mr. Brainwash gives you heavy anxiety when they finally aired the trailer to “Life Remote Control” the documentary that never came out.  Shit is spaztastic to say the LEAST!

My close friend and biggest fan of Banksy ever was just pissed.  It seemed that movie put a nail in his coffin over the hype.  I never thought I would see this guy be bummed over someone he really admired.  All the stupid shit in L.A. just makes it worse.  For example- remember the new Banksy piece we posted- the one that popped up LaBrea & 4th?

Well not that surprisingly, this piece has been “stolen.”  Here’s a video, I know the dude who filmed this:

and here is a still of the wall after the piece was excavated.

This whole thing is lame and smells fishy.  Look at that fuckin “support beam” it’s like a hollowed out nothing to do nothing.  Looks like it was fabricated for easy removal.  Oh not to mention the site of the piece is on the lot of an upcoming art gallery- coincidence?  Blah blah…  more shit to keep his name around- and we are falling for it too.

I think I either know the dude who jacked this, or Banksy jacked this thing back, or it was set up to be removed.  I don’t even give a shit.  And the lame bills posted allover L.A. are getting capped too.  I totally agree with the idea of cashing in on what you’ve developed before someone else does- but I’ve seen better documentaries about snails. SORRY BANKSY AND MBW AND OBEY- WE LOVED YOU GUYS BUT YOUR SHIT IS SLIPPING.  STEP IT UP FOR THE SAKE OF STREET ART AND THE SUBCULTURE.

Judge for yourself.  For people like my mom- they will feel like when they saw 8 Mile, like they are in the know of what the kids are doing.  But for peers of the movement it was kinda pathetic to see MBW bypass all the typical struggles before he sold a million dollars worth of rubbish.

I still have a conspiracy that MBW has some fucked up footage of Obey and Banksy doing unspeakable acts.  He possibly blackmailed them to co-sign his career or threatened to release the footage.  Who knows?!   Sucks to see my homie bash Banksy when he was such an influence.  My man helped him set up Existencilism prior to all that Bradoff Pitler Angelina Jolie celebrity elephant craze.  Has Banksy jumped the shark?!?

tell you one thing, we were so drunk and angry after the movie we started immediately smashing the streets. So maybe it IS worth it.  Maybe you need some negative reinforcement.


Days go by…

We always keep things on the up and up with The Southern Fiends! The South is a lovely place to be, sitting on the steps sip’n on that sweet tea under that cool spring moon we stay lifted…

The traffic can get a little hot during the days, it’s always better with 2 wheels…

Not everyone enjoys guns, but you can’t get a GA id without loving them. these are not your gun show specials this is some of the in-house specials if ya know what I means… Desert Eagle 44. Mag and a Romanian AK-47 what, what?! Peace, love, and hollow points!


Keeping it cracking!!!!

Pope Clown… more from him soon.

(Click to enlarge)

TONIGHT THE T$F L.A. family is going to see “Exit Through The Gift Shop” the new Banksy film.  Better be good! Ha! Should be a good time to at least laugh at Mr. Brainwash.  I’m sure we’ll be talking mad shit after the movie, but stoked because it appears so much was filmed in Los Angeles.

Banksy was out in L.A. recently, here’s a new piece he put up near LaBrea & 4th.  Suck on that Jeff Koons?!?! (photo courtesy of the homies at Kzer Gabe Gallery.)

We’re keeping things moving.  Our dry-run pre-game art walk party @ LaCita went really cool, we’re on board for a T$F takeover next month.  Check it check it out.


We’ll also be exhibiting in the “LA Art in Numbers” art show Annie Madison is currating:

Atlanta to Los Angeles and a few between…

Things have been crazy busy for me for quite sometime… There are so many big things in the works can’t wait to share as they come to fruition!!! Hope all is well and good with all you out there here is some visual’s for now. TRUE SELFLESS FAMILY !$tatu$!

Pink Krink


Art shows

don’t know much about this, but seems like good beeps.  We know those DJs that’s fo sho!  Shout out to No MSG.

Steady Mobbing…

Smashing it.  Hard to cover it all and harder to document everything.

Weekend started on Thursday.  The $tatus Faction DJ’ed a live art / happy hour dry run at LaCita for pre-downtown artwalk drinking.

Went smooth, Frank hooked it up and the staff was money money.  We’re doing a full on take over for the NEXT artwalk (May 6th?).
Or you can skip the artwalk and hang out for DanceRight which starts at 10pm on Thursdays.
reminds me…  remember when Alistair was DJing at the Hit+Run party on Abbot Kinney the week before, LOL WTF?

SATURDAY ate a bunch of this stuff:

Hit up Disney Land to relive the 1986 Captain EO 3D movie staring Michael Jackson.

Remember those janky 3D glasses they used to use?  The new digital 3D technology kills this.  The old style was like two blurred pictures that came together when you put the glasses on, it only KIND OF works but SURELY gives you a headache.

Save your time for Alice in WonderlandCaptain EO is waaaaaaack!

Sunday Smash Day. Took the bikes out and mobbed slaps.

Still plenty of room to put up stickers but for sure there were grips of MEAR, CAT CULT, and CORN/ERIE stickers everywhere- props!

Peep these old RUETS and SEIZER sticker….  nice.

Smashed this JUMBO vinyl on a truck.

On this weird abstract eyeball tip- this one doesn’t even say T$F.

Hit up some combos like this “cross combo” + vintage “TIE” slap.

80% of these stickers are hand-made hand-cut one of a kind vinyl stickers.
This one here prob took 30min with an exacto to cut out the letters.

Seen these BANSKY posters EVERYWHERE. For his new film release “Exit Through the Gift Shop” looks hilarious.  These were just taped around poles, but I’ve seen two new Banksy pieces in L.A. recently.

Also saw this funny “Camo UFOs” sticker on a pole,
that’s the homie Nate Day & Thee Mike B tag team DJ duo…  HA!

Who is watching WHO!?!

Finished the sesh with a fatty combo up *high*
Murder we wrote.

Sticker for Liquor store




Found this big sticker that Asend made awhile back. Looked like it was dead and wouldn’t stick. As you can see, it did stick, and is only dead cuz T$F killed it.

Artist Spotlight: CINCO

We hope you enjoyed our last interview with ABCNT, today we present our fourth installment of our Artist Spotlight: CINCO.

Cinco is an interesting dude to say the least.  He can hang with the hardest fools and still be a loner by design.  Normally we’d ask the typical questions about “whose your influence” and blah blah blah, but Cinco is more intriguing than that.  This is a dude with strong convictions and opinions. It’s worth your time, if you’re lucky enough, for him to drop some knowledge.  We expect nothing less than the explicit truth as we dig deeper into the mind of the mysterious 5er.

1. How long have you been writing and how did you get the name Cinco?
I have been writing since 1991. I chose the name CINCO because I wanted a name that represented me and my Mexican culture equally. With 5 being my lucky number, and important date in Mexican history, it was a natural fit.

2. If you had to describe the style of your graffiti- what would you call it?
I am and always will be a PURIST. (A purist is one who desires that an item remain true to its essence and free from adulterating or diluting influences.)

I am a product of the 80’s. I don’t have to study Subway Art or watch Style Wars in order to understand the origins of our culture, I LIVED IT as a little kid. In the early 90’s, when I was ready to join the game, my foundation was already set.

With that being said, my style is CLEAN and CRISP. It’s forged by the attitude/brashness that only an old school education and a West Coast upbringing can provide.

3. You reside in Atlanta, but like clockwork you write “L.A.” with your name, can you expand on what that means to you?
L.A. means everything to me. PERIOD.
In 2006 I came out of retirement to start writing in Atlanta.  I decided that I wasn’t going to hit up my L.A. crews.
I was alone and without soldiers, and hitting up my west coast affiliations wasn’t enough. I needed to make an impact that was immediate.
So, I decided to hit up my CITY, I felt that would let folks know where I was from and how much heat I was going to bring.
From day one, I felt that L.A. wasn’t really being represented in Atlanta. Ultimately my mission was to change that.

4. Since moving to Atlanta, what are the major differences in the graffiti culture?
It really isn’t fair to compare the two. In Los Angeles our impact on graffiti culture is GLOBAL not regional.

That global element allows us to view graff culture with a broader perspective, be open to new ideas, and a progressive execution. Doing the same thing over and over isn’t something that interests us.

How does the general public & law enforcement react compared to the Southern California population?
Atlanta is wide open and that’s the best part of it. The public and law enforcement are a lot more relaxed about graffiti. In Los Angeles it seems that everything and every spot has been burnt to a crisp. It feels amazing to find locations that are untouched and virtually blank. Spots that you would never have access to on the west coast— spots that you can walk into, wave hello to people who might see you sneaking in, and they could care less!  LETS HOPE IT ALL STAYS THAT WAY.

Do you prefer writing in Atl or L.A.?
I prefer doing everything in Los Angeles. Next question.

5. Do you write with a crew? Who?
Yes. I grew up writing with FTL and 213K. If you lived in Los Angeles between the years of 1991-1997 and traveled on the 5, 110, 710, 105, 91 or 605 freeways then you are familiar with our work.
Our crews were raised and inspired by KTS-STN / DUKE, NUKE, TEMPT and all those legends. Since 2000 I have been a free agent. My old crew all retired or moved on to other forms of artistic expression. I’ve decided to set out on my own like Caine in Kung Fu.

6. Besides graffiti- are you an artist in the more traditional or commercial sense?
When it comes to my graff— I am strictly a ‘NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION.’
I have means that generate a proper income, so I’ve never had to rely on my art to make paper. I am not against cats doing that, not by any means, but my graff is for the streets.

7. How do you feel about the present divide between graffiti and street art?
Divisions are a part of life and people are always going to take up sides. When it comes to Graff vs. Street Art, I don’t see why they cant both coexist.
The streets have plenty of room for both, but make no mistake, they are two totally different mediums.
As a purist, I believe Graffiti has certain basic elements that can never be ignored— if you aren’t using those elements then don’t lie to yourself.
You may be an artist but you are NOT a graffiti artist.

But is it all still just “getting up”?
At the end of the day, yes its all still ‘getting up.’

However— I feel the divide starts to rear its ugly head when street artists start trying to cross over into the graffiti realm. It’s not impossible, but you must bring the pure elements, and there is no room for interpretation. You better have your handstyle perfected, you better have your throws on point, and you better have an original approach. If you are lacking in these departments don’t expect to get the crossover acceptance you desire.

Would you or do you use mediums like posters/stickers/stencils/video/sculptures/etc to gain attention in the streets?
I would and have used all of those, but at the end of the day, what really makes my dick hard is straight up graff. NO GIMMICKS.

8. What can we expect to see next from Cinco?
You can expect the same tactical strikes you’ve always seen from me.

“Appear at places which HE must hasten….move swiftly where HE does not expect you.’” – Sun Tzu / The Art of War

9. What do you think about The $tatus Faction?
I have to give T$F credit for coming at the game from a different angle, but as you already know, whenever you try coming at simple mutherfuckers with something unorthodox they are going to fear it, and that fear will eventually find its way back to you in the form of hatred.

When I started in this game we used to handle issues face to face, but this is the age of the internet gangster. Nowadays suckas hop on their ‘online-soap box’ and try to enforce imaginary rules and regulations.

But check this out….

When it comes to EXPRESSION, there no rules and there are no regulations. This game is RAW— if you want structure then this isn’t your hustle.
Allowing others the space to fully express themselves is the only real rule.

10. Don’t be shy, please share your craziest story while getting up:
I got too many mobbin’ stories to share, but one of the best includes me with a broken leg and the big homie NOS carrying me outta the war zone on his back like a scene straight outta PLATOON!!!

11. Any famous last words or respect you wanna lay down before we jet?
“If worst comes to worst….I make whole CREWS disperse…you know its FAMILY FIRST.”



Stay tuned for more upcoming artist interviews!

Crewest Pedals & Prints: RE-CAP

Sorry for the delay- we know some heads have already been searching for this blog!
Here is our re-cap of the Pedals and Prints show at CREWEST Gallery.

The reception was SICK! If you missed it, the show will be up for a month, but come thru this Thursday for the Downtown L.A. Artwalk.
Crewest is a participating gallery and the show is phenomenal!  If you didn’t already know it was curated by TWO RABBITS STUDIOS and is completely bicycle-themed.

The reception started off slow, but ended so wild they extended the closing night an hour later!

Thanks for hanging our piece in a money spot- right next to several of my favorites in the show! (click to enlarge)

Heads have seen this “Bike Thief” print of ours before- but it was a paper medium only show, so we couldn’t put up some of our canvases.
All good- this one is becoming a classic! Hand-printed / open edition!

CACHE is the Artist of the Month at Crewest, he had a couple really sick installations in the side room.  KILLED IT!

Everyone has seen his chickens on the walls of Silverlake and Echo Park but he also had these dope installations of a bike truing stand and repair lift…

…and what I assume is his personal ride!

The reception started getting deep…

MOBS of people waiting to get in- buying up mad posters! NICE!

Of course plenty of people rode their bikes down there, the fence across the street starting looking laced!



This is a 20 color print!  I bought # 1 of 10




This is a 2 color print, edition of 50. We got the last one for $20!



Over all the show was super sick, thanks to all those who organized and supported.  The $tatus Faction sold work and couldn’t be more pleased.
I suggest checking the show out before it comes down.  We only blogged a tiny portion of the work!

Below is the complete roster of artists and piece titles.
Click the images to see full scale.


Transformer Hat




Party up front business in back or was it the other way around. Plus.. I had to represent my crew in the East..

Steady Mobbing….


T$F ran into CRYPTIK on Friday in Venice, bro kicked us some stickers, but we put ’em up the same night- of course.

T$F x Cryptik combo

T$F ran into MQ and some heads from AL last weekend in Hollywood.  Dude kicked us GRIPS of slaps.  Transported most to Atlanta for proper street use- no hoarding shit.  Unpeeled, uncut sheets and sheets and sheets- dope! Evidence to follow- stay tuned.

MQ, At Large stickers

T$F everywhere.  T$F whip.

T$F automobile

NOS T$F smashing Atlanta on a holiday weekend.

Had CRAAAAAZY Eddie put up the “WANTED! Bike Thief” poster at the local bodega.
Looks like the Twist, Espo, and Reas “STREET MARKET” piece from a few years ago.
Google it guppies.

T$F "street market"

Peep Eddie light his mohawk on fire! (click it)

This amazing photo, well FIVE photos stitched together surfaced on the Static Age Photo Blog.
Sick photo, this shit was hot boy, it’s right near the police station.  And NO, T$F didn’t cap anyone- swear to shit we found a sweet hole right in that wall, right in the middle.  There was a little beef or a buff right there, but prime real estate is what was left over!  Not sure how this guy got that pic, there are cars parked there all too often.  DOPE!  You MUST click it to enlarge!

You can see the whole post and some tutorials, peep the MTA roller piece where he stitched near 50 photos together.  Impressive work right HERE.